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人氣 |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《日製》 PFA管 PFA Tubing哪裡買
(2) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Bel-Art》攪拌子水槽過濾器 Spinbar Restrainer, PS哪裡買
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《COWIE》 PTFE蒸發皿 Evaporating Dishes, PTFE哪裡買
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《KIMBLE & CHASE》沃度圓錐燒瓶 Flask, Iodine, PTFE Stopper哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】耐冷凍手套 特殊防滑 12”Cryo-Glove, Industrial Use哪裡買
(3) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《MARIENFELD》浮游生物計算盤 Sedgewick Rafter Counting, Chamber, Sedgewick Rafter哪裡買
(11) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Heathrow》吸管尖廢棄盒Pipet Tip Disposal Box哪裡買
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Kartell》微量吸管尖 2-200ul 盒裝 2-200ul Micropipette Tip哪裡買
(2) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《台製》升降台 Support Jack哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《KIMBLE & CHASE》細口下口瓶 Bottle, Bottom Hose Outlet, Narrow Neck哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】DGS 蠕動幫浦 防爆型 Peristaltic Pump, Industrial Dispensing Type哪裡買
(3) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】VirusBom 病毒崩噴劑 100ppm 100ml哪裡買
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】P60 FORA 福爾舒康手臂式血壓計哪裡買
(514) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】紅外線多功能溫度計 雙通道IR Digital Thermometer哪裡買
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
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2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《BOHLENDER》大小接 管 PTFE Connector, PTFE哪裡買
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Heathrow》離心管架 Snap-Together Conical Tube Rack, PP哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】茄型燒瓶 具磨口 Flask, Recovery, With Joint哪裡買
(2) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Heathrow》秤量皿 紙質 Weight Boat, proof Paper哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Branson》超音波洗淨器 數位型 Ultrasonic Cleaner哪裡買
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Heathrow》手套放置架 Glove Box Holders哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《KIMBLE & CHASE》燒瓶式燒杯 具嘴 Beaker,Combination Beaker and Flask, Graduated with Pour Spouts ,BEAKERplusTM哪裡買
(2) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《KONTES》微量離心管 研磨杵 Pettle Pestile哪裡買
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】CITIZEN 星辰 手腕式電子血壓計 CH-650F哪裡買
(35) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《台製》 橡皮管夾 Rubber Tubing Clamp哪裡買
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《台製》 多連式過濾座 Vacuum Filtration哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《JACKSON》V20舒適防霧安全眼鏡 Comfort Eye Protection哪裡買
(11) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《DELTALAB》微量離 心管 2.0ml 2.0ml Microtube哪裡買
(9) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Burkle》多槽式取樣器 Quil Sampler Set哪裡買
(7) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《DELTALAB》樣本杯 Sample Cup, PS哪裡買
(3) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《KIMBLE & CHASE》坩堝型過濾器 Crucible, with KIMFLOW Fritted Disc, High From哪裡買
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《SCHOTT》電磁加熱攪拌器 Stirrers/Hot Plate哪裡買
(5) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《台製 》塑膠細口瓶 PP Bottles, Narrow-Neck, PP Graduated哪裡買
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《KIMBLE & CHASE》滴定管B級 玻璃栓 Buret, Glass Stopcock哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】橡膠(矽膠)安全吸球 Pipet Filler哪裡買
(31) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Kartell》攪拌棒Stirrer Paddles, PP哪裡買
(2) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《台製》銅製支柱固定 座 Foot Plate哪裡買
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《GOLiFE》GoPad DVR 7 Plus 升級版 Wi-Fi 行車紀錄聲控導航平板哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】立式緊急洗眼器Emergency Eye-Wash Station哪裡買
(29) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】3M 無菌採樣袋 一般型 可書寫 Sterile Bag for Sample Transport, Standard WriteOn哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《KIMBLE & CHASE》量瓶A級 Flask, Volumetric, Class A哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Whatman?》空氣採樣 濾紙 EPM2000 Glass Microfiber Filter, EPM2000哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《DELTALAB》微量吸管尖 100-1000ul 100-1000ul Micropipette Tip哪裡買
(2) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《DELTALAB》冷凍小瓶 Cryogenic Vials哪裡買
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Medicom》NBR丁晴無粉手套 加長型 NBR Glove哪裡買
(77) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《美製》螺蓋樣本瓶 黑蓋橡膠墊片 Vail, Sample, Screw Thread, Rubber Lined Closure哪裡買
(3) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《德製》 乾燥器用瓷板 Plates for Desiccator, Ceramic哪裡買
(5) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Bel-Art》符號筆 Laboratory Marking Pens哪裡買
(6) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Whatman?》玻璃纖維濾紙 Grade GF/C Glass Microfiber Filter, Grade GF/C哪裡買
(3) |