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人氣 |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Cowie》PTFE球型攪拌子 PTFE Stir Bar, Spherical哪裡買
(2) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《HAMILTON》微量注射 器 可換式針頭 Hamilton Microliter Syringes哪裡買
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Diversified》冷藏標籤 LASER TOUGH-TAGS Labels哪裡買
(5) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Interscience》鐵胃袋配件BAGSYSTEM accessories哪裡買
(5) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《日製》高機能洗瓶 Wash Bottle, PE哪裡買
(6) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《台製》加熱板 Hot Plate哪裡買
(8) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《POPE》液態氮桶 鋁殼型Dewar Flasks, Mesh Casing哪裡買
(7) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《台製》 多連式過濾座 Vacuum Filtration哪裡買
(11) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《美製》螺旋試管蓋 PTFE墊片 Closure,Screw Thread,PTFE Lined哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《KECK》不鏽鋼磨砂接頭夾 Stainless Steel Clip哪裡買
(9) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《台製》錠劑硬度計Tablets Hardness Tester哪裡買
(17) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Kimble》玻璃黏度管 Tube Viscometer哪裡買
(2) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《 Kartell 》低型有柄燒杯Beaker with Handle, Short Form, PP哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《台製》電磁攪拌器 六點式Stirrers哪裡買
(8) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《台製》茶色玻璃瓶 Amber Glass Bottle with Safety Seal哪裡買
(2) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《台製》茶色玻璃瓶 Amber Glass Bottle with Screw Tnread哪裡買
(3) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《KONTES》連續過濾裝置 Microfiltration Apparatus, with Solvent Pickup Adapter哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《EUTECH》掌上型濁度計Turbidimeter EUTECH哪裡買
(2) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《SYNTHWARE》玻璃過濾器 47mm 玻璃濾片 Microfiltration Assemblies, 47mm, Fritted Glass哪裡買
(3) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《DGW》桌上型溶氧度計DO Meter哪裡買
(6) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《VITLAB》螺蓋三角瓶 Flask, Erlenmeyer, TPX, with Screw Thread Closure哪裡買
(3) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《TIMEMED》彩色膠帶座 Tape Rack哪裡買
(8) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】有栓量筒 Cylinder, Polyethylene Stopper哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《WHEATON》懸浮式組織培養瓶 Celstir 雙側口 雙層式 Jacketed Double Sidearm Celstir Cell Culture Flask哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《台製》低溫乾浴器Dry-Bath, digital哪裡買
(5) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Heathrow》秤量皿方形 Weight Boat, Standard, PS哪裡買
(3) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】平口取樣瓶 8x35mm 1ml Vials 8 x 35mm for Alcott Positive Displacement Autosamplers哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《台製》球磨機落地型Ball Mill哪裡買
(10) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】TFA 溫度計 Thermometer哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《DLAB》蠕動幫浦 迷你型 Peristaltic Pump, Mini Type哪裡買
(5) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《CHEMIST》實驗室均質機 Laboratory Homogenize哪裡買
(2) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】10-425 中孔螺蓋用墊片 Septa for 10-425 Screw Caps哪裡買
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《KIMBLE & CHASE》尖底離心管 Centrifuge Tube, with Glass Stopper哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】ES-P402 泰爾茂 手腕式電子血壓計哪裡買
(15) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Socorex》可調式分注器 Dispenser哪裡買
(10) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《burkle》活塞式分 注器 Container Pump哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《日製》不鏽鋼藥鏟 Stainless Scoop哪裡買
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《SATO》溫濕度紀錄器 Quartz Precision Thermo-Hygrometer哪裡買
(3) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《KONTES》高真空玻 璃活栓 Stopcock, High Vacuum哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《VITLAB》圓底燒瓶 PFA Round Bottom Flask, PFA哪裡買
(3) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《GOLiFE》GoWatch X-PRO 全方位戶外 GPS 智慧運動錶 銀色哪裡買
(0) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《KIMTECH sience Kimwipes》精密擦拭紙 Wipers哪裡買
(10) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《DGWater》掌上型 pH/ORP/ION計 DP25 PH/ORP/ION Meter哪裡買
(5) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Cowie》PTFE攪拌子 比色槽用 PTFE Stir Bar, for Cell哪裡買
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】OMRON 歐姆龍 HEM-6131 手腕式電子血壓計哪裡買
(41) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《VITLAB》塑膠噴霧瓶 Bottle, Spary, PP哪裡買
(1) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《Kartell》書型下口瓶 TANKS WITH SPIGOT哪裡買
(13) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《TYGON》太空透明管 TYGON Clear Tubing E-3603哪裡買
(10) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《DGS》數字式最高最低溫濕度計 Hi/Lo Memory Thermo-Hygrometer哪裡買
(4) |
2017-08-03 |
【熱賣商品】《德製》 高型燒杯 Beaker, Griffin, Tall Form哪裡買
(0) |